Sunday, July 6, 2008

Leadership in advanced practice nursing

APNs provide leadership through a commitment to implement change in nursing practice, using their power to influence clinical and policy decisions, and through clinical development (Donnelly, 2007). Advanced practice nursing is an example of the expanded use of nursing knowledge, research, clinical expertise and is grounded in providing holistic, patient-centered care. The perceived ‘powerlessness’ of nurses in general practice is being compared to the power and authority that advanced practice nurses hold (Donnelly, 2007). Advanced practice nurses hold the power to practice nursing autonomously, which is a change from the public perception of general nurses (Donnelly, 2007). Advanced practice nurses are the leaders in widening the scope of nursing practice and have been successful in changing the traditional power relationship in the health care profession (Donnelly, 2007). An example of this autonomy in a specific setting is the use of a nurse practitioner in a pediatric ED setting. Although there are many studies that show parental satisfaction in using a nurse practitioner, few studies have been conducted on what motivates the public to use the nurse practitioner services. A study in 2002 was conducted to determine parent satisfaction with the services of a nurse practitioner. Eighty three percent of parents responded that they planned on accessing a nurse practitioner again in the future for their children’s non emergent health care needs. The study found that the nurse practitioner readily identified with the parent’s beliefs and needs. Even though parent’s aren’t fully aware of the role of the advanced nurse, the study found that they were comfortable with the expanded practice. Advanced practice nurses should collaborate to get the information out to the general public to help them fully understand the expanded roles of the APN in order to create a more favorable attitude towards the profession (Forgeron, 2005).

By 2005, almost $200 billion of healthcare construction is expected, and nurses must embrance the expanding roles and capabilities in the healthcare design (Stichler, 2007). The nurse leader must be prepared to expand their knowledge using evidence based practice to facilitate optimal patient outcomes, improve performance, and better the work enviornment for fellow staff members (Stichler, 2007).

Donnelly G (2006). The essence of advanced nursing practice. Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice, 8 (1). (12 p).

Forgeron P; Martin-Misener R. (2005)Parents' intentions to use paediatric nurse practitioner services in an emergency department. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 52 (3): 231-8.

Stichler, J. (2007) Leadership Roles for Nurses in Healthcare design. Journal of Nursing Administration. 37(12). 527-530.